Some Blogs that I follow

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer is Best

Boy do I love summer.

I feel best when it is hot and dry outside.
Yesterday I went to do  cat and plant care at my son's since he is on vacation.
Usually I carry my camera at all times.
Since I did not do that because it was a quick visit.
Again I used my Apple iPhone for this beautiful lily in his yard.
It takes decent photos with the HD, each time I am surprised.


TexWisGirl said...

that is really pretty.

and boy, do you need to move to Texas! :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is beautiful and a surprise it came out so good with a phone camera.

Jill said...

I can't believe that photo is taken with a phone. The lily is stunning! Love those colors.

Laura~Pretty Pix said...

Truly beautiful.
As they say... It's not the camera
but the photographer!

Nancy said...

Beautiful! Great phone shot, Janie. :)

Kitchen Belleicious said...

Yep- u need to move here to Texas girl! Live the pic- truly beauty at it's best!

Your too funny about the comment u left me! To get the pic next to your name when u leave a comment make sure you have a pic as your profile in blogger and or go to and make one. It's really easy - let ne know if u need help!

Andrew said...

Oh my goodness! that was taken with an iPhone? I have to start taking more photos with mine, especially with the HDR option.

I absolutely love the color contrast here, looks very fruity, kind of like an oil painting.

T. Becque said...

Beautiful color! I am impressed with the iphone's photo capability (and yours!).