Some Blogs that I follow

Monday, June 20, 2011

People with Cameras

Watching people is something I like to do.
Just like I like to watch animals and nature in everyday life.

I seem to narrow in on those who have a camera's.

What are they going to photograph?
What kind of camera?
What limits will they go to for that special photo that is important to them?

Festivals draw in interesting people.

Roadside stops are definite for people with cameras.

Or in a field with serious bird watchers.
No I do not have lenses like this one.

Parents that want photos of their kids playing in a park.

Little cameras, big hands, and standing by steep cliffs!

Coastlines or deserts, where ever you are...

I think the best places are in the moment.
Just be sure to carry your camera.

How do you find your photos?


TexWisGirl said...

i'm lucky enough to get 98% of mine right here at home. i liked this set of interesting folks you shot! :)

Anonymous said...

That was a wonderful post. Now you have me thinking about doing something of the same. Maybe someday. I don't want to be a copycat but I do get inspiration from others. I like the second to last shot the best.

Janie said...

Thanks Texwisgirl,
Boy do I know you have a lot of things to photograph right on your property and even out the windows! Thanks for your comment.

Laura~Pretty Pix said...

Great post, Janie.
People with cameras have always interested me. Guess 'cause I so often have one in hand and at the ready. Photographers look at me, I look at them. Sometimes our cameras open the doors to wonderful conversations, new friends, and worlds yet to be known to us.

Inger said...

Yesterday, I looked out my window and saw two road runners in my dead tree. They were after some baby chicks in a nest there belonging to a much smaller bird. So mostly right here in my yard. Yes, I will write a post about the road runners -- I chased them away, but I didn't even know they could fly!

Janie said...

Canyon Girl, roadrunners fly?
Will be looking forward to your post.
Part of photography is being a window watcher, and saving those things in nature that need help!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are all really really interesting shots. never thought of snapping snappers, now i KNOW so look out. great idea

Stefanie Rabenschlag said...

Most of the time I think my photos find me. Maybe I go I out with a plan in my head. And very often it happens that the plan is "run over" and something unexpected appears in front of my lense.

Kitchen Belleicious said...

You are so great with your camera! I am so jealous! Live these pics! Super fantastic and so talented.

Jill said...

This was fun! I have several pictures of an aunt where we would always take a picture of each other taking a picture of each other. Wow...I hope you can follow that! ha!

Andrew said...

very nice post. it's something that most people don't take pictures of - other people taking photos! :) amazing!

Samantha said...

Lucky to get most of my photos jut wandering in the yard..doing local hikes..etc
I just snap and hope something worthy comes out of it :)

magda said...

Dear friend Janie,
Very clever and so beautiful your photos!!!
Many greetings and kisses

Janie said...

Great photos of the camera-carrying crowd. Your photos of them may be more interesting than the photos they were actually taking!

Becky said...

I love the first one.

Janie said...

Thank you for the marvelous comments! You all are spectucular, and appreciated...

RURAL said...

I never thought to watch people with cameras. What a interesting post.

Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams