Some Blogs that I follow

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Birds Life

Bird's have daily life like we do.
They don't plan out their day of activity.
Nor do I.

Chico, California
May 2011

The Western Scrub Jay likes to swim.
We share that interest.

Then there are those moments we need time to think.
At the same time we can't really sit still.
(I added a filter to this third photo for dramatic effects)
Am I really dramatic too?

Life as a bird
Or as a person
We all do things that are typically the same in our daily life.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the photos and especially the last one, which filter did you add, i love it and yes, i am dramatic a real drama queen, bring on the drama

chalupczok said...


T. Becque said...

Pretty blue! That's funny, I despised planned out days; that's why work days aren't the greatest, you know there's no other possibilites for that day.
Thank you for your kind words on my Mother's day post.

Anonymous said...

Those are wonderfully sharp photos! Very nice.
I enjoy watching birds and think about their lives too. It seems it is all about eating, with the occasional look about for something that might eat them. Oh, and there is that problem of impressing a female of your kind in such a way that she might take an interest in your advances. And there is the issue of feeding the outcome of your all too brief love affair. Yes, a bird's life must be rough.

TexWisGirl said...

what a gorgeous bird, and GREAT shots of him!!! i've never seen one of these except in books...

Unknown said...

It is so amazing what kind of birds you have. I love the bath shot:)

Lisa said...

Amazing photos.. Just love the blue.

Lisa said...

Amazing photos.. Just love the blue.

Janie said...

Texwisgirl, Henrietta and Lisa,
For me this is just a common blue bird that sometimes tormets other birds. But they are pretty. I have seen birds some of you have posted that I have never seen in real life. It is fun sharing our photos.

Sinbad, you are pretty witty. Ha.

Jill said...

Janie, these are all so beautiful. I really enjoyed the one of him in the bird bath.

Gerry Adams said...

Wow! I really like that one. Cool colors.

Esther Montgomery said...

Birds, though, have to be more focused in how they live their day than I can ever manage. Otherwise they wouldn't survive. Impressed by the top photo.


Diana Studer said...

Thanks to Esther, we meet here. Janie, you and I share the mediterranean climate. And a love of birds ;~)

Farm Girl said...

Your photos are so beautiful. I love the sharpness and the clearness of each one.
I love that top scrub jay taking a bath.
Very nice.

Kitchen Belleicious said...

Oh the bird is so pretty! What a great moment in print of nature!

~Bohemette~ said...

What a lovely assortment of photos you have here! And the nature is so colourful...

Anonymous said...

You do great justice to the scrub jay! They are a pain but I have grown to appreciate them more since we have had so many crows lately.