Some Blogs that I follow

Monday, June 27, 2011


Here I am back to blogging world.
I made a HUGE mistake.
In regards to the long., drawn out saga of all my missing photographs. 

not Google or Blogger

Sorry I burdened my followers, and blogger friends.
However I am taking notes so I do not do this again.
Thanks for all your suggestions and very smart solutions.

Basically I had to fess up that I was messing around with my photos.
Not going into detail.
Too painful.
I am still replacing my photos, couldn't get it all done last night.

Will Strawberry's help?
I hope so, because they are sure sweet.


TexWisGirl said...

thanks for the berries! sorry you were the cause of your own angst. but that's what makes us human, right?!

Jill said...

Hmmmm...that's making me think my problems with blogger are just that and not bloggers. Dang! Any way...glad you're back on track and those berries are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

That is good news to read, for you and us followers. At least we will no longer fear the same thing mysteriously happening to us.

Gerry Adams said...

Blogger automatically stores any pictures you upload from your computer through the post editor upload tool,into your Picasa Web Album photo album for that blog. If you delete the pictures or the album, then the pictures disappear from the blog. They need to do a better job of explaining that to people when they first set up their Blogger account.

Laura~Pretty Pix said...

Been there, done that
did the Picasa oops thing
made a big mess, too.
Things happen, we learn
sometimes the hard way.
So glad you're all back
I'd so hate to lose you!

Dianne ... Walking In His Grace said...

I am sorry this happened to you Jane. I am glad you were able to figure out the problem. We would sure miss you if you weren't here. Hope you have everything up and running soon.
The berries look delicious.
I had strawberry shortcake the other night and it was soooooo good.

Take care and have a wonderful week.
Dianne :)

Elettra said...

very beautiful image with strawberries !!!!!!!!!

Michael (Light-In-A-Box) said...

Oh my those strawberries look delicious!!! Also not to worry, we all mess up our little blogs once & awhile! Sometimes if we try to fix things, we make things worse too! :-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my first thought when i saw the post title was THIS IS NOT SUNFLOWERS it is strawberries. yes they did help and don't feel bad, part of bloggin is doing things like whatever you did. LOL

Janie said...

Gerry this is EXACTLY what happened! I saw all these doubles and triples of photos, so I thought I would clean house. Little did I know it was at my own expense. I do not know why they are even stored there, do you? Seems scary that my photos are in that file. But I am letting it go. Thanks for explaining it to people. I just didn't want to go thur it all again. Still not done replacing my photos.

Mariann said...

I'm glad you have solved your problem.
Thanks for the strawberries ;) Regards

Anonymous said...

These look wonderful!

I'm just catching up, so I've missed the missing photo drama, but I am glad to read that you've figured out the problem. I would definitely miss your photos if they were no longer here!!