Some Blogs that I follow

Sunday, June 26, 2011

FIrst Video Post

Since I am at a loss over my blog photos.
Thought I would post the dancing flowers I found at a nursery a few weeks ago.
Video taken with my iphone again.
This particular nursery plays really cool music, and you just don't want to leave.
They sell plants, pet food of all kinds, and great items for a yard.
Purple is soothing, and so is the music.
I hope you can hear it.


Jill said...

YOU are so talented, Janie. What fun this was.

TexWisGirl said...

they do look like they're dancing. :)

Anonymous said...

Your video worked fine. Very imaginative. I hope your blogging problems go away.

Michael (Light-In-A-Box) said...

Excellent Dancing flowers! Hang in there with Blogger, I think its a google problem as little glitches seem to be popping up everywhere. I'm sure they are working on a resolve for several issues.. Even my followers list disappears, then comes back.

Ruth Bernssen Bø said...

Thanks for visiting my blog.
The most of my posts are from Rogaland county, at the south west coast of Norway - were I am living.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

way cool on the video. amazing it comes from a phone. i don't have a cell phone but if i did this is something i would do. beautiful purple and i could hear the music. in 2006 and 7 a local nursery used to let me wander and take photos, i printed a few of them and they hung them on the walls in their gift shop. they liked it when i came, and hour of macro snapping. but they went out of business and we don't have a nursery now other than Lowes and Home depot and Walmart.

Lela said...

Wunderschön, danke.

Liebe Grüße

Dianne ... Walking In His Grace said...

Good Morning Jane, Love your dancing flowers video. Made me smile. :)

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comments. It is always nice to see you.

Hopefully they will soon be able to fix the glitches on google, or blogger. I know it can be frustrating.

Have a great day Jane.
Dianne :)

Anna said...

Thank you for following my blog! I'm looking forward to enjoying your beautiful vision of the world as a new follower:)