Some Blogs that I follow

Saturday, June 25, 2011


The solution was for me to re post them all photos,
 because I am compulsive about stuff like this and I would not be able to sleep...
Makes me feel like this little boy in the closet 
Several of my blog photos were missing from my page!
I do not know why they are gone.
Has anyone had this happen before?
Very frustrating.
I feel like giving up on posting photos and putting time into the blog when things like this happen.
Because I am clueless on how to fix it.


Dianne ... Walking In His Grace said...

Hi Jane, I don't have any photos missing but the post I did this morning was all messed up. One of my photos got moved way over to the side bar, and some of my writing was behind the picture. I just spent over and hour fixing it, and I hope it stays that way. Did it look okay when you were at my blog this morning, or was it out of whack?
I was hoping to do some visiting but now it is too late and I need sleep.
I am sorry you are having problems too.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your nice comments.
Hope your problem gets solved soon.
Have a wonderful Sunday!
xx's Dianne :)

Gerry Adams said...

This may be just an issue with Blogger, there have been a lot of them lately. Hopefully it will be fixed by tomorrow.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you are the 3rd person to say they are having problems, so blogger must be at it again. mine were ok, but i posted the whole week last Saturday. i do my post for the week on the week end and put them on autopost, so the problem must be new. are they missing from old post or new ones?

TexWisGirl said...

oh dear. another rash of Blogger issues i guess.

Jill said...

I noticed the same thing on a couple of other blogs I follow. I think it's a Blogger thing. Don't quit on us!

Anonymous said...

Are you able to reinsert the missing pictures? I have yet to have problems with Blogger as had others. (knock on wood, my head) Maybe because it is that your pictures are so great, someone at Google is stealing them. Don't give up on us.

Janie said...

Well more are gone today.
Thanks for your support everyone.
I hate the idea of trying to put them back if they are going to dissapear again.
Wish me luck...

Esther Montgomery said...

You are having a specially frustrating and difficult time with your photos! Indeed, there's nothing in your sidebar - just squares!

First choice is to say it's just one of those Blogger frustrations and it will resolve itself. The other is to check you haven't deleted them from your Picassa album. If you take photos from there to make space, they disappear from your blog too.

Good luck.


~Bohemette~ said...

Oh my...I just noticed your profile picture was missing but this is unbeleievable...hopefully everything gets well., sooner or later. Blogger has worked all right for me and I hope this is not the reality of it. I'm keeping my thumbs up for you!

Unknown said...

That is really annoying, I don't have this kind of problems yet....But like others said it is blogger not you:) Thank goodness this is free space.
Be patient darling and post flickrn until they fix the problem.

Lisa said...

I dont know at all what could have happened. If you upload them thought the blog then I would think its google that has a problem.
I use a site outside of google as you know and use the html.
Have a wonderful Sunday. Keep on posting.

Janie said...

Well, at least I can see my followers now!

Laura~Pretty Pix said...

I'm glad your photos are all back, Janie. I'd be pulling my hair out, as I know zilch about this stuff.
Have a wonderful week, my friend!

T. Becque said...

I've never had photos missing (thankfully or I would be like this boy too which by the way is a very cute photo!), but other mysteries have happened with Blogger before. I like your new ID pic too!