Some Blogs that I follow

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Song Sparrow

Melospiza melodia

Some birds appear to be dirty brown birds.
They are brown, with contrast.
Or so that is how I see it.

A few days ago I got a greater appreciation of the Song Sparrow.
Their voice are notes that seem musical, buzzy, starting with three or four bright repetitious notes.
"sweet, sweet, sweet, with a low nasal tchep".

They come to my bird feeder for seeds.
Singing, hopping on rocks, wandering on grass until the Western Scrub Jay comes along.

It is interesting how they can gather so many seeds in their little beaks.
They are only 5 - 6 inches in size.
I don't think I want to  complain about dirty brown birds.
All the birds that frequent my yard, bring different things.
And I love watching them...


TexWisGirl said...

i think sparrows are as beautiful as any other bird. they're all little wonders...

Jill said...

A very sweet bird with beautiful markings. Nice close up pictures that help us appreciate them.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

glad you are watching them because i would not see them if you did not snap them, these are amazing and cute little guys

Coneflower Ranch said...

Cute little guy! I like seeing the pics of the birds you get on the left coast, and the interesting variations of ones we have in common. Glad you figured out the missing picture mystery, I don't think I'd know where to begin to fix something like that!

Ms. Becky said...

hah!!! I love that first photo. what a cutie. that they are brown only and not bright blue or red makes them no less of a lovely creature. I'm glad that you've shared your appreciation of this happy little guy. and that photo of the strawberries? delicious.

From the Kitchen said...

Great photos! I think those "dirty" brown birds are beautiful. I'm also glad that your figured out the photo dilemma!


Here I Am Carrie said...

What lovely birds. Any bird that can sing like they can are wonderful to have around. Just catching up on many of your blogs. All so wonderful. Still have some photos missing. I know when I upload my blogs with photos 2 copies are stored in picasa. The orgingal resolution and one that may have been resized in the blog. Any photos over 800 resolution is counted of storage anything under doesn't. So if you are upload lots of high resolution photos your storage capicity can get used up fast. I now resize before putting them into the blog to just below 800 resolution. I have also gone in a very carefully deleted the 1st copy of each photo. It's normally the 2nd copy that is used in the blog. The 1st which is generally the higher resolution one is only needed if you want people to be able to click on the photo in a blog for better view and quality. Ok I am going on and on and not even on the subject blog. Anyway I know how fustrating when you want everything perfect. I am still having problems showing signed in so I can comment on many blogs. Loved catching on so many of your beautiful photos and more. Have a wonderful weekend.

Anna said...

Sweet capture! I haven't had much luck with flying creatures - seems I get my focus just right and they are off!

Heidi said...

Your pics of these cute little birds are beautiful. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. Stop by again, I will soon have a give-away. Have a happy 4th of July!...Heidi

Anonymous said...

Just adorable!