Some Blogs that I follow

Sunday, March 25, 2012

More Snow Memories

Cows in the snow seem to be happy.
This gal was gazing at us as we stopped by to see her.

Kate took us to Ironstone Winery for the flower show.
The winery was the biggest I have seen and I live in wine country!

Never can I resist yellow and purple of anything.

Or the orange and yellows that call to me with a touch of white.

When we were leaving the snow country we came by this snowman.
He was one of two we saw.
Yeah I know, what can I tell you, "I had to add extras".


MadSnapper n Beau said...

all 3 of these flowers are amazing, i mean AMAZING shots. i can't pick a favorite, the colors are so brilliant.

Janie said...

Thank you Sandra, I appreciate your kind words. You inspire me to continue onward.

TexWisGirl said...

too funny! i'd have thought someone made that snowman w/ those accessories. :) LOVE the colors in those bloom photos!

Sharon said...

Such a gentle looking cow - I love it!

Pretty flowers, so many around now it's just loverly!

Snowman love :-)

kate condit zack said...

I love this cow. Remember when we pulled up next to him..we cooed at him, "hellooooo cow, hellooo"..he turned his head and looked at us and listened to our sing~song. He loved us too, I think. Thanks for the photo Jane.

Shall we name him? Did we name him?

Joop Zand said...

Very nice pictures Janie,i like these daffodils........and the cow is a good model.

Greetings, joop

Ellie said...

Oh great pictures, that cow is definately giving you the eye!!
I love the yellow and purple gorgeous colours. And your snowman made me smile. :))

Chatty Crone said...

Now I know who you are Jane. And I had a different email for you!

I agree with Sandra - excellent shots - I feel as if I was right there - and I love flowers. Will write tomorrow! sandie

Tina´s PicStory said...

wonderful flowers and colors :)

CameraCruise said...

Beautiful photos, love all of them!

Anonymous said...

Oh you and your funny additions to your pictures. Very nice flower pictures.

Lisa Gordon said...

Janie, these are wonderful!
I especially love the third one here, and who could not love the face on that cow???

Happy Monday to you!

Marie said...

These photos are just stunning! The clarity and colors are incredible! Almost feels like I could reach out and touch that sweet looking cow. :) Cute snowman! The flowers are my favorite...all of them!

Breathtaking said...

All the flower photos are amazing,
such depth of colour and beautiful
colour combinations.

Ms. Becky said...

I love the cow photo. they do love snow. (maybe I was a cow in a past life). your flower photos are delicious - intense, rich colors. our weather here has turned cooler finally. our normal high is 45, but for two weeks it was 70-80. I'm hot when the mercury rises above 45. Global warming sucks. Today it was 42 degrees - perfect for mowing the lawn. I've never had to mow my lawn in March! happy day to you Janie. your photos soar.

Anonymous said...

What a thoughtful looking cow. I love all the color in these photos!! I think that's one of the things I always enjoy about your photos ~ they're always so full of color and joy!