Some Blogs that I follow

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Dogs That Parade

We found these dogs in the Murphy Day Parade.
Snow, rain sleet, they walked along with no worries.
I was eyeing the scarf...


psychelyn said...

Looks like his scarf is wet. But he seems happy still. He probably enjoyed seeing lots of playmates during the parade :)

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Oh this is such a happy shot and dare I say, very Irish. :))

Anonymous said...

How cute! They do look like they're having fun :-) My Ellee does not like the rain and won't go out if it's raining. But, she loves an old muddy, stinky creek.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

"How much longer do I have to wear this?"

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i was so focused on the faces i did not even see the scarf until i read your comment and went back to see it. those faces make me want to kiss them

TexWisGirl said...

such pretty bernese mountain dogs! sadly made to dress as silly humans...

Breathtaking said...

These mountain dogs are gorgeous
animals, but I have to agree with
Theresa, they should not be humiliated in this way.Quite frankly they look daft, and probably know it!!!

Ellie said...

These are beautiful dogs.

Marie said...

beautiful dogs!

Chatty Crone said...

He is sooooooooooo cute. sandie

Stephanie said...

Beautiful dog and picture !
Best wishes