Some Blogs that I follow

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Yesterday I had surgery on my right foot.
Never thought I would be blogging about it.
My blog has been sitting for days since I returned from the road trip to Montana.
In those prior days I was getting ready for the big day at the hospital.
Made soup, yogurt, zucchini bread, cleaned house, extensive yard work, etc.
I was working thru some anxiety over this surgery, it is a long healing process.
Months possibly.
Been suffering with this Bunion for the past year.
Why I thought it would get better on its own is beyond me.
"gee thanks mom"
Hereditary they are...
Tight pointy shoes, heels, dancers and arthritis.
I couldn't walk much without pain and burning.
One day I went hiking with my husband and the downhill nearly did me in.
It was keeping me from my daily life.
No swimming either!
Choosing not to wait ten years and then realize I am too old was not an option.

I have photos of my poor bandaged swollen foot.
But not posting them.
My days are laying down for 20 hours a day, with ice for the swelling.
I can't walk on it due to the pain, so I use crutches.
Routinely I take pain medication.
Very disappointed that I can't bear weight on this foot.
I hate the down time, not being independent is huge for me.
Can't drive, or do anything for awhile.
My husband is taking care of me.
He has been really great bringing me food, water, and my computer toys.
He does the dishes, errands, and waits on me.
Some people have to hire help for recuperation.
I guess it is time for him to pamper me.


Ellie said...

Oh poor you, sounds horrible. Hopefully you will recover really fast and be back on your feet again soon. I too have bunions but am a bit worried about surgery. They are not giving me any pain problems so I am leaving well alone at the moment. Long may that last!!!

Vanessa Rogers said...

I'm sorry to hear that you had to have surgery. But maybe something good will come out of it all, even this down time, and added dependency. Good luck!

Laura~Pretty Pix said...

Oh Janie, ouch!
I had similar surgery some years back. Long recovery but well worth it.
Be pampered so you can heal..
to once again run with the wind!

Jill said...

Bless your heart! I'm so sorry you have to endure this but I'm sure it will be worth it in the end to have no pain! Wish I could bring you a treat.

Breathtaking said...

Hi there
ouch it must be SO painful,hope you
are feeling better soon.

Michiko Johnson said...

I'm sorry to hear that you have has surgery, but you thinking in other way say you has surgery your heart that is more in danger of yourlife, my friends has surgery for about five years ago and she is very happy now.
Your hubby can do your jobs help to how much he love you:-)

You might have more time for blogging?
to be patience!!!

Mariann said...

Hi Jannie.
I hope that you will be mobile again soon!
Best regards

Sharon said...

Ouch! I'm so sorry, I do understand why you kept putting it off, but now you have to pay the price and I am sorry. You are so fortunate to have a husband that wants to take care of you! My Mother was plagued by a bunion and she never had the surgery and she lived out her life in misery from it. I hope you heal quickly and can get back to feeling independent again soon!

Chatty Crone said...

I had both mine done when I was 18 before they got big - my poor grandmothers were awful. Pain now and I am so sorry about that and hope you feel better soon - but I believe the gain will be worth it!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

so this story makes my fear of the silly wasp today a little, well, silly. so sorry, hope it heals sooner than expected. I hope you have a lap top so you can blog and email. you are blessed to have a hubby who will help and take care of you, mine did when i had surgery, but i have known others that had to have strangers in the house. stay in touch and keep us updated on your progress, post the ugly pics, we would love to see so we can feel your pain

TexWisGirl said...

thank goodness for the internet. i know you will still go a bit stir-crazy, though. i sure would!!! glad you had the surgery though as it sure sounds like it was time! good healing to you!!!

Marie said...

Glad everything went well with the surgery. Sounds like hubby is taking good care of you. Have a pleasant weekend.

Janie said...

THANK YOU blogger friends!
I was overwhelmed with comments about my bunion!
I know there are other people out there with extreme worse situations. All my years of taking care of debilitated people, boy do I get it now.
Much appreciated, will keep you posted.


Becky said...

Good for you, Janie. I, too, have another friend who did what you did. She is a most happy camper now. You will be glad you did it. Kudos to your caretaker, too.

Wanda..... said...

I know what you're going through, but just think how good you are going to feel after fully recuperating, Janie! A broken ankle 3 years ago kept me immobile and very dependant on my husband too for a few months.

Ms. Becky said...

oh my. oh dear. looking at that diagram of a bunion, and seeing precisely what it is makes me queasy. you poor dear. this is a tough way to be pampered I tell you. and pain medication is usually a real bummer too. it makes me loopy and I don't like it one bit. I hope you're on the mend...

Janie said...

Thanks for the comments, you all help me heal quicker.

Lisa said...

Heal and rest. Im sorry you had to have this. I havent but do know more that have. Hope your up and around in no time.