Some Blogs that I follow

Monday, October 10, 2011

I spent three days visiting my daughter and her husband to celebrate her birthday.
Their cat Santino always gives me new material for photos.
He is an inside cat, but does go out in backyard when someone is out there.

I have posted photographs of him before on my blog.
My daughter has always loved the breed of the Persian.
All the cats she has had were adopted by her.
I believe the first cat she had many years ago sort of adopted her.
From there it took off.
He is a playful, loving cat.
Some may not get this impression by his face.
He is definitely very unique.

Something else unique visiting my daughter is their yard.
They pulled out the front grass and plants.
All was replaced with native plants.
Mainly cactus and grasses.
Conserving water was one of their goals.

I was skeptical at first to start from scratch as they did, but WOW everything took off.

Flowering cactus
Big Rocks
Some bones
I came home with a start to add to our cactus garden.


TexWisGirl said...

santino is a hoot - a face full of character, for sure!

Chatty Crone said...

Those cat eyes are awesome - and he looks serious! sandie

Jill said...

I LOVE that cat!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Janie,
what amazing & nice Photos!!
i love the cat!!!!
in Germany we say to it: "SCMHUSIE-Katze"

greetings & hugs
Synke :-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

a very beautiful cat, his mouth looks fierce but i know that is just how he appears. like that cactus

Ellie said...

I'm betting he is a wonderful cat despite his frowning face. :)

Janie said...

Believe it or not Santino is smiling, he is not frowning. Persians are differnt. He is happy as a lark. Do not be fooled with faces on pets or people...

Michiko Johnson said...

The cat face shows male:-)
The cactus picture is very nice.
Have a nice day,

Elettra said...

It seems to me that Santino is a bit moody! AH! AH!

Leontien said...

Happy Birthday to your daughter and that is just a BIG cat!!!

Big hugs

Michael (Light-In-A-Box) said...

Awesome photography as usual Janie! Thanks for your recent visit. I'm finding it hard to get around to visit as I only seem to have a few moments each day! We can only grow cactus indoors as our summers are short.
Take care..

Ms. Becky said...

well the kitty surely is a sight to behold, but I'm also loving that cactus thingy. the pink seed pod is unusual and I really like it. I missed this post somehow. happy day to you Janie.