Some Blogs that I follow

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Horse Country

While traveling on the road I met this horse in a stable.
For the people out there that know horses.
Why did he walk like this, and look sideways at me?
Had a feeling something was wrong with him.
 I overheard the trainer and owner discussing care and eating patterns.

Any ideas?
Or is this just how horses are sometimes?

Sorry, but I thought someone would notice right away.
They are cut out life size horses of rusted metal.
I at first thought they were real too.

Pulled over to have lunch in this turn out.
Can you identify these horses?
They were very passive, and adorable of course.

This is not a horse.
A burro on the road who was looking me over carefully.
He walked right to the window, and we looked each other over.
I think all burros and mules look sad.

I posted this horse last week.
This is a different view.
What a beauty he was in the field with his friends.
White horses, are stunning, but Pintos have to be my favorite.

Near my home (which I am not there now), there are horses all around me.
I never take the time to stop and photograph them.
Gee, life is short, need to notice all the horses I see at home.


TexWisGirl said...

have no idea if the first horse was ill, but the tilt of the head is definitely odd. nice area and beautiful equines. :)

Sharon said...

Pretty animals and beautiful country! Nice pictures!

Janie said...

Randy, Teresa and Sharon,
Thank you!
My confession is photo #2, is cut out horses!! They look so real. I better change that on my post.

Wanda..... said...

The photo of the two horses in the meadow is especially lovely.

Marie said...

All are beautiful! The first pic is my favorite. Why is he looking at you? I love the look in his eyes, he's a real beauty!

Laura~Pretty Pix said...

Lovely horses. What I'd love seeing in my yard.. are the two rusty metal ones. Easy care there!

Jill said...

Lovely shots of beautiful creatures. Even the rusted metal ones are pretty in that setting.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am glad you stopped and noticed all of these, i like the eye shot of the burro a lot. and the metal ones look real to me. thanks for my visit with these beautiful guys.

Here I Am Carrie said...

Real or not real they are all beautiful. I had a horse once and had to give him up because we had no one to take him in the winter when we went south. I will never forgive myself for giving him up. The donkey and the mule are sad because everyone refers to them as beasts of burden. The load of the world rests on their shoulders. You would be sad too.

Lisa said...

Brilliant shots. I love the close up of the horse . The horses in the field .. that is a wall hanger. Stunning photo. Peaceful and calm.
I m so glad you having such a wonderful time.

Breathtaking said...

I am so glad I found you and your blog.Love all your photos,they are all so great.