Some Blogs that I follow

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Chico, California

During my visit to Chico I dropped by the brew pub.
The Bear Restaurant
Very popular restaurant & bar, has been there forever.
The ceiling is a conversation piece.
Each room is different.

You could spend all day looking at the walls and ceilings.
Details go on forever.
Lots of thought.
People are happy in this place.
Beer, burgers, wings, and fries.
If in Chico drop by and see for yourself.

I have so many photographs...


Unknown said...

Wow what a fantastic looking place.

TexWisGirl said...

i love 'junked up' motifs like this in restaurants. :)

Betty Manousos said...

wow, that is a such a interesting photo!
thanks so much for sharing!


magda said...

So beautiful colorful photos!!!
Is very nice place!!!
I wish you a happy summer, why am away from the INTERNET, until September.
Sorry about that.
Many greetings

Leckeres für Mensch und Katze said...

I wish this place next corner to me :). Great shots! LG Tina

Jill said...

Looks like my kinda place!

Remi said...

Oh how many exciting things .. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are great, no getting bored in this place for a life time

Anonymous said...

"People are happy in this place." Yeah, give me a pint or two and I'd be happy too. In fact you'd probably have to wheel me out in that cool looking wheelchair from the Bel-Air rest home. Wheee!

Andrew said...

Sorry, I've been absent the past week and a bit. I drove across Canada.

I like both of these pics. You chose good ones to post thats for sure! I like the detail in them. I wish I was there to play around with all that stuff.

Great photos!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo..
Um lugar encantador e super interessante..
Porto - Portugal

Sonny said...

beer, burgers, and wings also make this place a Chico landmark

kate condit zack said...

Wow! I don't know if Tess or Josh has been there, but I'll tell her about it. In fact, I may have to take her there when I drive up with her next month!

Great color Jane. Very whimsical!

Janie said...

Thank you everyone, how nice your comments are.

Sinbad: I too liked the wheelchair idea, only it looked pretty worn out.

Sonny: Yes, of course I forgot about the beer, burgers and wings!

Kate: I bet your kids have been here before. It is right next to the University. You can't miss it.

Berit said...

Great pictures and a place I woulf have loved to visit:)