Some Blogs that I follow

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Biology Lab

Chico State University

Meet my two grandsons, my only grandchildren.
How special that is for me.
Being that I grew up with no grandparents in my life.
I get to spend time with them being a grandmother.

They were privileged to visit a few biology labs and classrooms during the visit to Chico.
In this photo I told them to act like all the animals came alive.
They did...

 My eight year old grandson loves handling most anything in a jar.
He was holding frogs, snakes, and aquatic animals.

The little 6 year old loves to create drama in his expressions.
You never know what kind of face you will get when the camera is out.

They are great brothers for one another.
I am very grateful I have these boys in my life.


TexWisGirl said...

that first shot is greatness! how cute are these blondies! :)

Jill said...

Your grandsons are adorable! Love that first shot. Well...and the one with the skeleton too. Looks like a fun time!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

SUPER SHOTS! and will serve in the future as a reminder of all the fun you had. i spent a couple of hours looking through photos of my grand daughter last week, she is 25 now and lots of things i had forgotten. love the drama king

Janie said...

Thank you ladies. Generally I do not post many photos of my grandsons. Their parents are fine with it, and I do get permission. These were pretty cute. Soon I may be posting six year old playing his new guitar. He is quite an entertainer. As always I appreciate you all so much.

Anonymous said...

Looks like they really like to ham it up for grandma and her camera.

kate condit zack said...

The images of your boys bring back so many sweet memories of my two when they were that age. Bittersweet! Love these photos!

Ruth Bernssen Bø said...

So exiting it must be for them to visit the lab..

Lovely photos

Lela said...

Super Fotos, da ich doch nicht so gut Englisch kann schreibe ich dir in Deutsch... Entschuldigung..

Liebe Grüße

Here I Am Carrie said...

What fun they look like they were having. I miss not having grandkids to do things with. A chance to be a kid again with them. Enjoyed catching up on your past blogs. All wonderful as always.

Andrew said...

Awesome! that first shot is amazing!
I love the emotion and facial expressions.

Perfect, perfect, perfect!

The last shot is also quite amazing as well.

nice photos as usual.

Remi said...

Great pictures of the Polar Bear and grandchildren.. :)

Friko said...

They are a lovely pair; how much noise did they make?

Berit said...

Your grandsons are really sweet Janie:)