Spring is a bee on Spanish Lavender
I spent a lot of time outside today, with the sunshine and my plants.
Not the warmest of weather, but warmer than most people have right now.
It was estimated to be 67 degrees today.
Monday it is predicted to be 74 degrees.
Huge change from the heavy frosts, days and days of rain.
I planted daffodils and they all came up.
Blooms are pushing up everywhere.
If all else fails spend time outside with your plants.
Take a deep breath, and relish the new day.
I hope spring comes to you all soon!
If all else fails spend time outside with your plants.
Take a deep breath, and relish the new day.
I hope spring comes to you all soon!
Oh, Janie that is AWESOME! Such a look of intensity on that bee face!
Wow! What an incredible macro shot. Love the detail on the bee. What a beautiful sight to see, and a sure sign of Spring.
I got up to 53 degrees here today, which is the warmest day yet for us in my neck of the woods. It is suppose to be sunny and nice again tomorrow, so I am hoping maybe to get out with my camera, and see what I can see. Not too many flowers popping their heads up through the soil, and not buds on the trees yet, but I know it won't take long once we get a few more warm, sunny days.
Well you take care, and have a wonderful Sunday, and thank you for your visit Janie, and nice comments.
Dianne :)
What a great shot. I can never get the birds and bees to stay still long enough.
I sit on a stool, wait for wind and the bee to stop, then try. I had to take a lot of photos to find one in focus! Thanks bloggers, you make my day.
i spend quality time every day with our plants, i find something new almost every day, same plants and same yard, just different. love that fuzzy handsome bee, he looks like he could be a star in a children s book. gorgeous yellow flowers and i like the toads eye view
I noticed that you became my 90th follower today, Yay, I love your photography. Just beautiful and you love sunflowers. I always love when I get a person from California, if feels like home. I look forward to seeing more of your photos and reading your blog too.
Thank you.
Oh Janie, thanks for sharing pictures of your beautiful spring flowers.
Wishing you a nice week.
Greetings from,
That is amazing macro shot of the bee, I really like it. Did you said to it to stay still or what:)
Superb macro of this bee in the variety of lavender that Spain also is called "Cantueso". A real beauty.
Fabulous bee macro shot! I think we're finally rid of winter here, fingers crossed, it's supposed to be 76 today!
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