Some Blogs that I follow

Friday, April 8, 2011


What are flaws if you have color?

Flaws come in many forms.
Look around and see it anywhere from people, animals to plants.
Decided not to take out the damaged petals.
This is one of two geraniums I have in my yard.
Very small plants, and one is not blooming because it needs to be moved.
Poor roots are bound in a place where drainage is not the best.
Besides that I am replacing a rose tree that may of died, or close to it.
I have six others that are taking off beautifully.
Number seven may be put somewhere else to see what happens.
Digging time...


TexWisGirl said...

flaws, yes, but they're beautiful in their own way. :)

we refer to them as 'character' don't we? :)

magda said...

Your photo and your flower are so beautiful !!!
The beauty covers defects...
Have a nice weekend !

Dianne ... Walking In His Grace said...

I only see the Beauty. :) Love the bright cheerful color of your flower, also.

Thanks for stopping by once again, and your nice comments. Have a wonderful weekend, Janie.
I printed out a picture to give to the owner of the horses, and may deliver it tomorrow. Should be fun, and I am looking forward to seeing the horses again. :)Dianne

Unknown said...

Flaws can sometimes make beauty more beauty because it makes beauty to individual beauty:)
I so wait that I can do some digging too.
They were tulips in my blog but you are right about stamens they reminds lily families.
Have fun with your lovely garden.

Gerry Adams said...

Looks very nice to me :)

From the Kitchen said...

Thank you so much for paying my blog a visit. I am a fledgling photographer and your photos are beautiful. I am now a follower so that I won't miss any of your taking your camera off auto and use manual. Love that you used teacups for you f stop practice.


Kitchen Belleicious said...

Oh my gosh your pictures are just amazing. You are one incredible photographer! Thanks for visiting me the other day! So glad you did so I could find your site! Xo
I am a follower now