Some Blogs that I follow

Monday, September 16, 2013

In my Yard

First time ever the Western Blue Bird visits my birdbath almost daily in evenings.
One of my favorites, the shy wonderful blue with his partner.

My faithful Acorn Woodpecker, 
never knows what to thinkof a wild woman with camera in hand.
Somehow he always tolerates me.

Daily deer
 are done harassing my peach tree.

Its all in a days work...
Waiting for the moment, stalking critters in my yard.
Yet it isn't work, it is my passion.


Breathtaking said...

Hello Jane, good to see you are back.:)Beautiful pictures ! The bright blue colour of the Blue bird is truely stunning, no wonder it's your favourite visiter. It must be nice to have such lovely daily visiters.
Have a great week

Joop Zand said...

Wonderful bird pictures Jane.....really nice photographed.

greetings from Holland,Joop

From the Kitchen said...

Thanks so much for the beautiful photos to start my day viewing.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

what a surprise to see your post magically appear in my feedly today..welcome back. that is a brilliant and beautiful little blue bird.

TexWisGirl said...

so good to see you post again! i have been waiting... :)

Anonymous said...

Like Sandra said, "what a surprise to see your post magically appear". I must be dreaming.

Dawn @ Words Of Deliciousness said...

Wow!! I love your pictures.

Lisa Gordon said...

These are really beautiful, Jane!

Here I Am Carrie said...

Your bird photos are beautiful. What a sweet looking deer. Glad to see you are still busy clicking and had a great trip this summer.