Some Blogs that I follow

Monday, September 3, 2012


Taken a few days ago with my iPhone, while watching the grandsons this past week.
This is their family cat "Tobiko", he is about 11 years old I believe.
I will double check with my 9 year old grandson.

Some say BIG CAT.
He is a huge cat,  when he runs his stomach sways back and forth.
I hate to say it is entertaining to see this happen, but it is!
He is mainly an inside cat, but gets to go outside in the daytime when the kids are out.
Tobiko is more like a dog than a cat.
He likes to watch the children play around outside.


TexWisGirl said...

he does look like he's got the 'lion's belly' thing going. but i love his sweet round face. :)

Unknown said...


Dianne ... Walking In His Grace said...

He looks like a gentle giant. I love orange cats. I have had two in my day.

Thanks for stopping by for a visit today. I appreciate your comments. Your photography inspires me also. :)

Thanks for asking about my mom. She reads all my blogs, so I don't say much about her on my blog. I is still able to live in her own apartment with assistance. I do as much for her as I can. She is doing much better and is having her kidney dialysis closer to home. Community Care picks her up and takes her their 3 times a week. She is doing as well as can be expected for a 77yr. old lady with chronic kidney disease. Fall and winter is always a concern because of all the colds and flu that go around. She is very vulnerable in this area and I am not looking forward to her having to go through the winter months. We take a day at a time. That is all we can do. None of us know what is around the corner so to speak. Any way she has had a fairly good summer and for that I am very thankful.
Have a great week ahead Jane and looking forward to more of your wonderful photographs.
Dianne :)

Dawn @ Words Of Deliciousness said...

This cat is really cute and big. We have a cat named Tiger that is about that size, but she is 13 years old.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

he is beautiful. my husband has had many cats in his life, and he swears this tiger cat, i call them Morris cats are the best pets of all the cats.

Ellie said...

Awe he has a really cute face. He looks like a very contented cat :))

Michiko Johnson said...

I love the cat it was hard to way from cats.

Breathtaking said...

He's a huge gorgeous ginger cat,- all the more to love!!

Jane said...

Hi Jane, Your grandchildren's cat reminds me of one we used to have who never reached that age sadly. I am not really a cat person, but as cats go he was extremely friendly and my husband adored him! I will show him this photo, I know he will say "Ahhhh!" Thanks for popping over to my part of Australia, nice for me to visit Northern California too! Bye for now Jane