Some Blogs that I follow

Friday, September 7, 2012

26 Years Ago

I am not sure why I am posting this photo taken of me.
It was taken about 26 years ago.

This was my daughters dress at the time, I wanted to try it on.
My husband took the photo of me with our daughters camera.
Our daughter had her film developed, there she sees her mom in her dress!

The funny thing is I forgot about this photo.
However the more I look at it now, the more I remember that time in my life.
For one my hair was the shortest ever, and the color looks dark.
But I didn't dye my hair then, it was naturally dirty blond in a dark room.

When you are young you don't think about seeing photos of yourself back in the day.
I had plenty of freckles, and wore no makeup.
I was definitely thinner.
I could wear heels then, now I can't and I won't.


TexWisGirl said...

aren't you adorable!? i love that you tried on your daughter's dress, had husband take a photo, then your daughter had a surprise waiting for her. :)

Breathtaking said...

The things we do when we're young!!
Still, you have the photo and the memory of a pretty young mum wearing her daughterdress.Actually you don't look much older now!!:)

Chatty Crone said...

You were pretty then - beautiful now.

Dawn @ Words Of Deliciousness said...

You look gorgeous in this picture. What did your daughter think when she saw this picture and you were in her dress?

kate condit zack said...

What I love about this photo is the story behind it. The relationship between you and the camera guy, the talk we don't hear but can see in your eyes and this

John @ Beans and I on the Loose said...

You can probably be sure your husband does not remember taking that photo either. You could be the Queen of the Prom.

Here I Am Carrie said...

Oh gosh you haven't changed a bit. You looked stunning in your daughters dress. The story had to make me laugh as she didn't know you had tried it on.

Red Rose Alley said...

How sweet you look in this red dress, and your daughter must have been so surprised.
