Some Blogs that I follow

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Mom's & Daughters

These are friends of mine.
I did ask them if I could post this photo.
Mother and daughter came to my house for a margarita.
This was the first time I met the daughter.
I love photos of moms and their children at any age.

It is a photograph with a mess of textures and dabbling by me.
If you ask me what how I did this, I won't remember all the steps.
The orginial photo was taken in bad lighting, their faces were dark.
If that happens I try to make some kind of art out of the photograph.


TexWisGirl said...

they are both gorgeous women. their souls shine from their eyes. :)

(thanks for the birthday wishes and for entering the giveaway, too!)

Anonymous said...

I do the exact same thing with my photos! You can certainly tell these two are related..beautiful.

Lisa said...

Just gorgeous.

Joop Zand said...

Lovely woman and a very good picture Jane.

Greetings, Joop

MadSnapper n Beau said...

and art it is. i like the photo even if it were not mom/daughter and that makes it even more special. they are very attractive and i know they love this shot for their memory books.

Staff Administrator said...

great family picture :)

Esther Montgomery said...

And it's worked. They must be very pleased.

Breathtaking said...

It turned out great!Your friend and her daughter are beautiful.

Chatty Crone said...

AWE! sandie