Some Blogs that I follow

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Black - Eyed Susan's...

Are full of life.
Yellow and black, my kind of flower.

People who know me, realize I am a bit nuts over sunflowers. They have been a "critical part" of my adult life.
As a child I don't ever remember seeing them, only in books.
When I can have them in my home I feel happy.

Black and white sunflowers with the Black eyed Susan's.

One person thought the B/W'S were real. No it was me tampering with them.
What a mix I had on 4th of July on our table!
I bought the sunflowers, a guest/friend brought me the Susan's.
Thanks Bonnie.
Was I delighted or what!

There is something unique about the centers of all flowers.
The Black Eyed Susan especially for me.

Reds and Yellows oh my...
They are flowers with buttons.
And I don't believe the deer are that attracted to them.
Maybe I should give them a try in the yard.

The composition of this photo was intriguing, the center came out purple. It was the light shinning that certain way.
Since I am a fan of purple, it seemed fine to me.
Possibly a new variety in the real world.


TexWisGirl said...

wow! these are gorgeous! thanks for explaining the 2nd shot as i really thought those weren't real! :)

Lisa Gordon said...

Jane, these are just gorgeous.
The colors are so beautiful, and make me think of warm rays of sunshine.
My favorite is the last one. That is one fantastic macro!

Wishing you a wonderful beginning to your week.

Dianne ... Walking In His Grace said...

Lady you are one heck of a photographer. What a treat, and delight to gaze my eyes on these beautiful flowers. My favorite is them all. Love how you compose them. The detail is incredible.
Sure glad you are back. :)
Hope all is well with you Jane.
Hugs from Ontario, Canada.
Dianne :)

Ms. Becky said...

you take amazing flower photos - they're breathtaking. I've never been a fan of yellow flowers and don't allow them in my own garden, but you've swayed me with the sunflowers. I love them - they're the only exception. There is something so cheerful about a sunflower, they just light up the day. I especially like the black and white shot. happy week to you Janie.

John @ Beans and I on the Loose said...

Very nice, worthy of making a print to hang in your home. Then you can enjoy them all year long.

Laura~Pretty Pix said...

These are gorgeous, Jane. I can see why they make you smile.. Seeing your beautiful images makes me smile, too.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are amazing, i share your love of sunflowers and yellow flowers. i have never seen the centers like this before, they are like fancy buttons, decorated. one looks like it has a band of flowers on its button head. these are gorgeous and what a wonderful post to say you are BACK.

Ellie said...

Hi Jane, I love yellow flowers - they just say sunshine to me. Your shots are lovely.

Farm Girl said...

Well you know how much I love them too. I think it is because they just shout happy. Your photos are just beautiful.

Lisa said...

Breath Taking gorgeous

Anonymous said...

These are beautiful, Jane, you should definitly grow some in your yard!

Breathtaking said...

They are sunny cheerful flowers. great pictures11