Some Blogs that I follow

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Quiet Passage

Desert Iguana

He was passing through quietly.
I was glad he stopped to eat and stare at me.
Because I sure enjoyed looking at him.

Iguana's tend to be larger than lizards, and they are vegetarians.

The desert is a place where you hear no sound.
Don't see many people.
And have all the time in the world to contemplate life.


Breathtaking said...

Ah! The Thirsty Lizard, a striking
reptile.I have a "thing" about all
reptiles, and you were lucky to see one,as I thought they only came out to eat after darkness.
A fortunate and good capture.

Laura~Pretty Pix said...

A handsome lad..
and your second image is
downright gorgeous!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the desert is on my bucket list. love that iguana, he is a fine specimen, great shot of him. or is it her

Anonymous said...

I KNEW IT! You are John's wife...right?
FYI, I like YOUR post better, I'm not a snake person!

Michael (Light-In-A-Box) said...

Jane, we don't see to many of those creatures here, some have them as pets but they would never make it outside in our always changing weather! Nice photos..

TexWisGirl said...

love that lizard! beautiful shot!

Janie said...

Remember TexWis this is a Iguana, and they are much bigger than a lizard. This one was rather small compared to some I have seen. Anyways as always I love your comments. You are great at those one liner sentences that say it all.

Dawn @ Words Of Deliciousness said...

I love this iguana. It is something we don't see in Minnesota. Thank you for sharing this picture.

Marie said...

Great pic of the Iguana! The only time I've seen one that wasn't in an aquarium was in the Keys. That photo of the desert is so sunny and pretty!

psychelyn said...

Yeah I guess iguanas are bigger than lizards. I've seen a lot of lizards, of different colors. When I was a kid I tried to run after them and try catching them but they are just so speedy.

In desert there is a beauty lying quietly :)

Ms. Becky said...

the skin on that guy is very beautiful. I love the patterns. it's a perfect photo with all that texture, and the colors are amazing. I'm pondering your sentence about the desert being a spot where we hear no sound. I suspect you're correct in that assessment, as you've just been there. I like to think that when I was staying in N.M. I heard sounds. Yes, I did. The wind. But animals/birds? not so sure, but I truly love how you've made me think about this. It's been awhile since I've been to the desert, so thanks for sharing. It's the next best thing to being there. happy day to you Janie.

Chatty Crone said...

A little scary looking - so tell me do you carry your camera everywhere? sandie

Janie said...

Ms. Becky:
It truly depends on the desert that you visit. Each is so different in plants, animal life, and the weather.

Chatty Crone:
Yes, I do practically bring my camera everywhere I go. If it isn't my Nikon, it will be my iphone camera. It is compulsive I know. Started 9 years ago upon my 1st grandsons arrival. He has inspired me ever since, as does his brother who is 7 years old. They are use to it now.

Dianne ... Walking In His Grace said...

Now that sounds like my kind of a place. Maybe one day I will get to the desert. Ha! Love the photo of the cactus and the blue sky, and landscape. Just Beautiful.
The Iguana is also a great catch, that is with your camera. Ha!