Some Blogs that I follow

Thursday, April 5, 2012


No worries, I am finding myself...

Ms. Duck is lost because she is wandering around in my backyard.
She use to have her mate, and I am trying to help her find him.
Poor Ms. Duck she is following around all the critters in the yard.
I love having her, I hope she helps me learn to do better "time management".

Been getting a lot of things done.
Except for Blogging.
I am looking at my followers and the people I follow.
What sense is this?

Actually it makes sense to me.
I had time to wander around in the forest with my grandsons.
Beyond this green area is the creek.
Each Wednesday I pick them up from school early, and we go do something different.
Well next week they want to explore the creek by their house.

Meanwhile in Northern California lots of things are pushing their buds out.
I don't know how this happens with freezing nights, the bird bath is frozen over.
Sunny days, and frozen nights.
I long for spring, but not complaining.

What I like best is my followers always seem to understand me.


psychelyn said...

You always have great catch of images. Soon I'll be running out of adjectives to describe them :)

I like that moments of going and doing something different with your grandsons. You're a sweet grandMa :)

I had moments like that wit my late grandPa, and I learned a lot from those times :)

TexWisGirl said...

you are goofy. :) i like those little bunnies you've got running loose all over the place, there!

Dianne ... Walking In His Grace said...

Poor Ms. Duck seems out of place with out her Mate. I think maybe it is he who is lost, but then again they are both lost without each other. I would be lost without my mate too.:)

Your Spring flowers and blossoms are so pretty. Love your photo you captured here. We are starting to get things spouting from the ground but no flowers in my back yard yet. I did notice some daffodils, and a few other spring flowers while out for a walk the other day. If I get a chance I may take a walk with my camera sometime this weekend. Speaking of which I hope you have a wonderful Easter Weekend, Janie

Laura~Pretty Pix said...

Love your pink blooms and your little lost duck.. Honestly, I think we're all a bit lost. Maybe that's what makes life an interesting challenge.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the duck/bunny shot. glad to see you are enjoying your time off from bloggin. the kids will soon be grown so love and play while you can.

Antonio Machado said...

Hello Janie,
very nice pictures!
A hug

Anonymous said...

Excelente colorido y muy buenas imágenes. Felicidades Janie. Alfonso

Marie said...

Your lost duck looks so sweet. Glad she has you helping her. :) All these pics are beautiful, but I especially love the last one.
Happy Easter!

Betty Manousos said...

love your pink blooms and i really enjoyed your delightful post!

beautiful captures!!

happy easter to you and yours!!

Lisa Gordon said...

Definitely a follower, and so happy to be one!!
These cherry blossom are gorgeous Janie.
We are having freezing nights also and nothing is "moving" flower-wise right now. :-(

trav4adventures said...

Oh, we LOVE Santa Rosa! We stay there when we visit Healdsburg and the wine country! Very pretty blossoms!