Some Blogs that I follow

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Got Hair?

Can you imagine not having any hair?
I am so glad there are people that adore their pets.
Did you realize that pets such as this has to be carried around in a blanket?

What is your guess on this critter?
Name it...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have seen hairless cats on TV for people with allergies, not for me, they are a little creepy looking, but i am sure the ones who have them love them. on this one looks like someone either painted or tattooed on a hairless cat.

Breathtaking said...

The Sphynx cat is a rare breed,and
very expensive to buy.It's not for everyone,but their owners must love
them a lot,to take on the care of such a fragile breed

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Beautiful in its own right! The photo below this post has all the hair...none to spare for kitty though. :))

How is your foot...all healed up?

Anonymous said...

I like how the gorgeous orange cat in your sidebar seems to be looking at the naked cat in disgust. "Have some dignity. Put your fur coat back on!"

TexWisGirl said...

laughing at john's comment.

yeah, i'm not a fan of the skin...

Ellie said...

Not my favourite breed I'm afraid - not very cuddly. I like the fur!!!

Janie said...

Yeah "Wheres the fur"???
My thoughts exactly Ellie.
This is a very fragile cat, no doubt needs way more pampering that most could do.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my gosh that poor thing looks so cold - I could love it. sandie

Coneflower Ranch said...

I find something very lovely and vunerable about them. One of the former Real Housewives of New Jersey has one named Grandma Wrinkles and she's a real love. I think I prefer my kitties with a coat though and I think my dogs do too. :-)

Dianne ... Walking In His Grace said...

To me it looks like a statue. It looks so rigid and could someone please put a sweater or something on this poor hairless cat.

I don't understand the breed but it seems so cruel to make such a breed. It doesn't look natural. I feel sorry for it. That is just my opinion for what it is worth.

Hope to find you well Janie. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, my! I've only seen these hairless cats on TV. Reminds me of the episode of Friends when Rachel gets the Sphynx and Joey asks her why it's inside out :-)

He?She does have beautiful green eyes.

Ms. Becky said...

I try very hard to like this. but cannot. I'm sure he's a wonderful fellow, though he really could use some fur.

Nancy said...

Didn't Dr. Evil have one of these? ;) I think I could learn to love it.