Some Blogs that I follow

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Meet Rudy and Shag

On Sunday I went to the flea market with my husband to wander.
Hobbling around I should say, in the cold.
Usually I do not purchase things unless they are practical or needed.
My fun is watching other people and what they buy.
Suddenly I noticed dogs that go to the markets with their people.
This Basset Hound caught my eye.
I suppose because they look so sad, low to the ground and my sister adores them. Whenever I see a hound I usually try to photograph it and send to her.
Meet Rudy...
He was strolling along at the ripe age of 12, and never missed a thing.
Not the type to sit and mosey slowly said the man holding his leash.
"Ruddy goes with me everywhere, he boasted"
I could see why, all the dog lovers (usually women) stopped to talk to Ruddy.

Rudy spent a lot of time looking behind him.
I think he thought he may of missed the deal of the day...

Then there was Shag.
He was in a puppy carrier that hung on the back of his owner.
It was so darn cute.
His head bobbling like it was on a spring.
He was curious, but happy to be safe in his bag carrier.

Some of you know I am not a dog owner, and sometimes fear dogs.
But these two had me stopping in my tracks.
I told Rudy's owner not to try and pose Rudy, I would just follow them.
And I did.

What is not to love about a white fluffy ball of fur like Shag?

He reminded me of the dog I had as a child.
A Cock a Poo, black, named Inky.
Inky never got to do what dogs do today, coming in the house, rides in the car, or even a walk.
He had a big back yard with three kids to chase around.


TexWisGirl said...

shag made me laugh! and rudy looks like a sweet boy!

Ruth Bernssen Bø said...

Two handsome guys

Randy said...

They are adorable! Love the basset! By the way I love the new look of your blog.

Ellie said...

Awe, two of the cutest doggies. Lovely pictures of them too.

Jill said...

Shag is adorable! Love the shots you got of him. The other one looks so calm and sweet. How fun!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

hubby had a dog just like shag, i prefer the hound dog, i love any hound of any kind and this one is so sweet and your photos are so real, i felt i could reach in and pet them. Merry Christmas.

Marie said...

These are great photos and such cute subjects! Rudy is a cutie and Shag just has the best expressions. I'm glad you had a good experience with these doggies.
Merry Christmas!

Elettra said...

Peaceful and Happy Christmas to you and your family with so much friendship
so much joy Elettra

Tina´s PicStory said...

they are so cute :) this eyes! ♥