Some Blogs that I follow

Monday, October 17, 2011


Trees from road trip in September.
This was the view in my camp.
I liked the contrast of white tree trunks to the green, with hint of yellow leaves.

(Photograph taken with my iPhone)
CLICK on Photographs to Enlarge

Since I am recovering from my foot surgery...
Thought I would share the view I have from bed.
When I wake up in the morning I see a few rabbits, maybe deer, and birds.
For me it is the green lush that feels comfortable seeing any time of day.

IF you have really good eyes you will see a few things besides trees and grass out this window.
Like a children's book
Where's Waldo?

We all have different views.
I saw this bird outside of my daughters house in Chico a few weeks ago.
He had his own view, his own agenda.
So did I.


Ellie said...

What lovely pictures. That is a wonderful view you have from your window. Really beautiful - lucky you!
The bird picture is brilliant - so crisp and sharp and that blue sky. Great stuff!!

Ms. Becky said...

what a fantastic view out your window. I love that you have an appreciation for diverse points of view. but that doesn't surprise me one bit. I hope you're healing nicely. take good care Jane.

Giga said...

Zazdroszczę takiego widoku z okna, ale w łóżku nie chciałabym leżeć. Mam nadzieję, że już lepiej się czujesz. Pozdrawiam

Misty said...

Beautiful colors. Great close up of the bird.

Sharon said...

Love the white birch!

Great room with a view, nice to know you have something interesting to occupy your time with the foot up!

Chatty Crone said...

Lovely view - and hope you are feeling better. Love, sandie

TexWisGirl said...

your view is lovely! nice and healing! and that first shot of the birches is just beautiful!

Breathtaking said...

The view from your window islovely,
but could not see any wildlife!!!

The Silver Birch trees make a
stunningly beautiful sight,and the
bird is a super shot.

Janie said...

You are pretty clever. Yes there is something in the photo, but not wildlife this time. Look on the tree to see a rubber alligator on it. Thanks for visiting my blog.

Laura~Pretty Pix said...

Wonderful images. Love the first one, well.. I love them all!
Hope your footsie is healing.♥

MadSnapper n Beau said...

as far as i am concerned you have a priceless view from your bedroom and bed. wow. so good to be able to see all that beauty while you are incarcerated. there can never be to many trees and bushes and birds and beauty for me.

Marie said...

Very pretty colors and views! Hope you're feeling better.

Wanda..... said...

Your views are beautiful, Janie...I too have one of those twirly things that you have in your tree!

Jill said...

Those are beautiful shots! At least if you have to be laid up, you have something pretty to look at.

Lisa said...

How stunning this bird is . Great photos . Hope your feeling better and not in too much pain.

Lisa said...

I love the first photo. Its like that around my home in the summer.

Here I Am Carrie said...

I also love the contrast of the birch trees to the grass. I have a few clumps around our place. Hope your healing well.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful view you have!! I thought I saw a lizard in the tree, then read the comments to see it's a rubber alligator. I am glad to read the red is a twirly decoration. My first thought was that it's a snake.

I'm also really enjoying the pumpkin photos!! I've not done any fall decorating this year, so I have sort of lived vicariously through your gorgeous photos!

psychelyn said...

Those are birch trees on the top, I like them a lot too. There are so many of them in Russia. They look like a camouflage of winter in the forest.