Some Blogs that I follow

Monday, September 5, 2011

Besenji's & Macro Monday

Click on photograph to enlarge

I do not have a dog.

Last month while on the road trip with two girlfriends, I met MOUDER.
Mouder short for Kamouder.
"Egyptian God"
His sister's name was Cleo for Cleopatra.
She passed away not long ago,  Mouder still mourns for her.
He is a well cared for loving dog.


They are known as the barkless dog from central Africa.
I found this to be true, a gentle dog, not hyper, well mannered (thanks to his owners).

Years ago I had a Whippet which is more of a cat like dog in my opinion.
I believe I am more of a cat person than dog.
However I would consider this breed of dog if you prefer not to hear barking.


I am part of Macro Photo Day.
My bee photo is posted.
Technology is challenging!

To see more Macro Photos go to:   Lisa Chaos


Sherrie said...

He's a very handsome fellow. I've not heard of this breed. I'm a cat person too. Have a great day!

Food for Thought

Ms. Becky said...

he has an extraordinary face. and it's as though he's grinning like a person. he's beautiful. happy day to you Janie2.

Pia said...

Why didn´t I know that breed of dog when I took my dogs, especially the last one???!!! Barking to its own shadow!

Jan n Jer said...

Now this is a dog I would like...those little dogs are such yappers! He looks so content! Great shot! You have a very nice blog...I will come back to visit! Cute little grandsons too!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

he is beautiful, his eyes are so soulful. how did you get that lighting on him. fantastic photo

Jill said...

The lighting on that picture is simply stunning! He looks like a very nice dog.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

They are such a "happy" breed...perhaps it is because they don't talk!...:)JP

Nancy said...

Your photo brings a human touch to this beautiful dog. As if he is thinking something dreamy and wonderful. Well done. :)

TexWisGirl said...

he is beautiful. he looks very intelligent. :)

Sharon said...

Lovely breed of dog, would be perfect in an apartment setting. He does look gentle. Nice photo of him.

Here I Am Carrie said...

You really captured the spirit of the dog. Amazing lightening. Now that is a breed like I need. Wow your bug macro is really good. Have a wonderful week.

Tammy said...

He looks like he's smiling at you.

Lisa Gordon said...

I have heard of these dogs, but never seen one. This is a great image of a beautiful creature!

Laura~Pretty Pix said...

What a sweet doggie
and barkless!
My silky terrier never stopped barking..
but I loved her dearly just the same.
Wonderful macro shot, Janie!

Betty Manousos said...

what a handsome guy!

your photo is lovely.

well done you. :)

have a great day!

Janie said...

Thank you everyone. The lighting was added by me, because the face was dark in the shadows. I was playing around with it some.