Some Blogs that I follow

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thursday Catchup

From the surprise sunflowers I find in neighborhoods.

Or in a pinch having to use my iPhone camera for flowers.
And I will return to this spot with my Nikon.

Repeated "carpet Aliens" on my carpet.
Funny how this happens after my grandsons visit.
Wonder how that happens?


Matteo Taffuri said...

Love this sunflower!
Very nice blog I like it,
have a nice day
ciao from your new follower

TexWisGirl said...


LOVE that sunflower shot! whew!

From the Kitchen said...

I'm impressed that those flowers were snapped with you iphone. Wow-beautiful! As the mother of two boys (now grown up), I love those "carpet aliens".


Tina´s PicStory said...

Very beautiful weekendflowers! :)

Lisa said...

Beautiful. I love the first one. Fantastic

MadSnapper n Beau said...

LOL on the carpet shot, hummm i wonder who did that? the flowers are super no matter which camera you use

Unknown said...

I had to put my sunglasses on the sunflower is so bright:)

Anonymous said...

You do have an affinity with sunflowers don't you? Maybe you were a sunflower in a previous life. I saw on another blog some really great photos done with a iPhone and the blogger was very surprised as to how nice they came out. Beautiful flower photos. I understand a Kirby will get rid of carpet aliens.

Judy said...

WoW..the sunflower shot is awesome!

Matteo Taffuri said...

Thanks Janie2 for visiting my blog the Tuscan Landscapes are waiting for you!Hava a nice day

Laura~Pretty Pix said...

Gorgeous sunflower
and I love the alien artwork..
Have a great weekend, my friend!

Andrew said...

I'm absolutely loving the first shot of the sunflower. I just really like the detail on the center of the flower. such a nice shade of yellow.

I love them all actually ;)

Remi said...

For some lovely pictures .. :)

Here I Am Carrie said...

Love the photos but really love your creative carpet art.