Some Blogs that I follow

Monday, July 4, 2011

Star Eyed Woman

Wishing everyone a star gazing night of colorful skies.
Be safe.
Protect your critters...

Red yard plant art in a hanging pot on the deck.


TexWisGirl said...

we had fireworks going off until 12:30 a.m. this morning around here. (at least that's when i fell asleep...) i'm sure there will be lots more tonight. life in the country...

Janie said...

Come on, out there yander! What is up with that? Or maybe you like all the blazing noise and confusion. Hmmm. I live in a place where I will not hear them, but may see them.

Anonymous said...

We heard many fireworks last night. Ellee kept barking at them, thinking someone was here (it sort of sounded like car doors closing).

I love all the color in that second photo. So summery looking!

Have a wonderful fourth!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

no stars in my eyes, i will be asleep I love that second shot. wow

Jill said...

So lovely. Have a very Happy and Quiet night. ;)

Anonymous said...

Yep, it is all our little furry companions that I feel bad for on the 4th of July. The noise must be terrifying to them in a way we cannot imagine. Protect your pets.
Sinbad lives in a quiet community and has no such fears.

Leontien said...

Hope you have a wonderful quiet night!!!


kate condit zack said...

My Brody boy was shakin' in his boots. Turned on his favorite classical station real loud and I hope it calmed him down. I was over at Annie's and I was happy to see that he was resting quietly and happy to see me.

Loverly shots by the way Janie girl.

Kitchen Belleicious said...

Oh I am liking the first photo alot. So mysterious and sharp. Look at me trying to type in photography language! Did I do good? LOL! Seriously, great photos

Coneflower Ranch said...

Thank goodness our dogs didn't freak out too much. More barking than shaking. Hope you had a magical night!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful image with great detail.
Bela foto com ótimos detalhes..