Some Blogs that I follow

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Coast Trip

The goal was to look for birds on the shoreline at Point Reyes.
Not many feathered friends to see today.
Just getting outside, with sunshine was refreshing, not much wind either.
I don't consider this uneventful because there is always something to see.

Snowy White Egret
I can never tire of seeing these graceful beauties.
They visit near my house regularly.

Strawberry Foxglove

Coming homeward going through Petaluma, California,
I see this woman on the side of a building.
"Pinky's Pizza"
Smart way to get attention, but NO pizza for me thanks.

Instead this is where I had lunch
The best ever flavors, I highly recommend if you are in area.

Sea Modern Thai Cuisine

500 Petaluma Blvd S
PetalumaCA 94952
(707) 766-6633


Dianne ... Walking In His Grace said...

Great story, and loved your pictures, Janie. We don't get the White Egrets here. We do get the Blue Herons though. I always enjoy watching them and photographing them when I can. It looks like you had a beautiful day.
Thank you for sharing these beautiful photographs.
Dianne :)

Laura~Pretty Pix said...

I enjoyed your trip to the coast. I've always liked Point Reyes.
Thanks for taking us along!

TexWisGirl said...

your egret shot was wonderful! perfect catch starting flight!

i wouldn't be rushing in to eat at pinky's pizza either! looks like a zombie! :)

Becky said...

Looks like (you know whose cousin...the one you sold) :)

Charlene N. K. said...

What a beautiful day it's been for you! I also enjoyed this "trip." Your nature photos are great!

Nancy said...

The foxglove is a beauty! Great photo, Janie! :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love the dunes and sky photos even more than the birds. i love beaches, just the sand and water and dunes and sea oats. and i do not think that woman hanging on the wall would be asking me to come inside even though pizza is my second most favorite food.

Michael (Light-In-A-Box) said...

Great photos Janie! The Thai meal actually looks pretty good! The Pink Lady on the building, what will they think of next for marketing!

Farm Girl said...

Wow, that woman on the side of the building??? Isn't it amazing the things you see, so glad you had your camera.
I loved the snowy egret and the strawberry foxglove. So pretty, it is nice that you live close to the ocean.

Coneflower Ranch said...

Oh, great catch of the egret! My dad makes these out of PVC pipe and sells them at festivals. I'll have to do a post about them on my blog. :-)

The "pink lady" is waaay creepy!

Esther Montgomery said...

Beautiful Egret. Hair-raising woman.


P.S. We have had Little Egrets living near us for a while now. They didn't used to be in Dorset. It's the warmer weather . . .

Sy said...

your photos are beautiful!

Janie said...

Yeah, the two mannequins I use to have. Thanks for reminding me, maybe I can locate their photos to post.
I would have no problem checking out Pinky's Pizza, who knows maybe more mannequins inside!? I am choosing not eating pizza for awhile.
DO post your dad's creations out of PVC pipe!
FARM GIRL: I bet not seeing the ocean once in awhile would be hard. I live in N.California and about an hour to the sea from my house.
T H A N K Y O U E V E R Y O N E for your great comments.

Lisa said...

Janie beautiful.. I love the beach. Stunning. Loved your post .

kate condit zack said...

Many fine days at Pt. Reyes. Did you go to Cowgirl Creamery in Pt. Reyes Station? My fav. Funny thing is I used to take the boys to the other Pinky's Pizza in San Rafael when they were the ages of Miles and Gavin. So long ago! Thinking about you!