Some Blogs that I follow

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Humane Society

The Sonoma Humane Society,
is located on hwy 12, this is one of two metal dogs in front of center.
I like sculptures of most anything I can find.
What a rusty quaint ole doggy complete with tags and long floppy tongue.
Sebastopol, California


Gerry Adams said...

Cool, looks like it's been around for a while.

Elly said...

That's a very nice and creative statue.
I like it.
Gr. Elly

SouthernSass said...

That is just too darned cute!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it took talent to create and talent to show us such a sharp and clear photo. love it

John @ Beans and I on the Loose said...

Is his name Rusty?

Becky said...

The dog sculpture is wonderful! How tall/broad is he?

Janie said...

Thanks for your comments, how sweet to wake up reading from fellow bloggers...

He or she did have tags but too RUSTY to read. So Rusty is the name…

This sculpture was about 5 feet tall. There is another one I will post, that was WAY WAY tall, nearly as tall as a telephone pole.